lundi 29 juillet 2013

Kick Boxing

Kickboxing is a mixture of various sports. It is termed a sporting martial art that is similar to boxing. However, in kickboxing, feet are used in addition to hand contact. While boxing is not a full contact sport, kickboxing certainly is.
Kickboxing is said to have originated in Japan and is a mixture of boxing, taekwondo and karate. There are three types of kickboxing -- Japanese style, American style and European style. Japanese kickboxing has various forms that are devised by various kick boxers and trainers.
In American kickboxing, opponents are allowed to hit each other with feet and fists. They have to strike above the hip. Opponents cannot use elbows and knees and the use of shins is mostly restricted. Fighters and promoters agree on the various rules and regulations before starting the match.
In Japanese kickboxing, five rounds of three minutes each are played. Opponents are allowed to attack with the elbow and the knees. They are also allowed to attack below the belt, everywhere except the crotch. However, they are not allowed to head-butt, push or throw.
The American kickboxing rounds are basically two to three minutes. A typical American kickboxing match has ten to twelve rounds. The fighters and the promoters mutually agree upon the duration and number of rounds. There is a one-minute rest period between the rounds.
European kickboxing has five rounds of three minutes each. In European kickboxing, opponents are not allowed to attack with the thighs or the knees. Opponents are allowed to kick below the body, everywhere except the crotch. Also, in European kickboxing, opponents are not allowed to head-butt or push.
Boxing [] provides detailed information on Boxing, Boxing News, Kick Boxing, HBO Boxing and more. Boxing is affiliated with Pro Wrestling [].

1 commentaire:

  1. OT: These are two of the all time greatest fighters. I think everyone would love a rematch between Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao. Question guys,is it really possible? Even though Pacquiao is now recuperating from a shoulder injured surgery, there is still a possibility for a Mayweather vs Pacquiao 2 rematch.
