vendredi 2 août 2013

Boxing: Ladies ring

IT IS KNOWN AS "boxing" that boxing was held at the ancient Olympic Games. In modern games, boxing - Male - appeared in St. Louis (USA) in 1904. Yet it was not until 2012, in London, will take place the first Olympic women's boxing match. The ring of Excel Stadium, the 36 pioneers come from Russia, the United States, China, Tajikistan, Nigeria ... But not France because no tri athlete won his qualification. They will be divided into three categories: fly (48-51 kg), lightweight (57-60 kg) and heavyweight (69-75 kg).
The boxers have grounded the last bastion of male sport when the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced in 2009 that a women's tournament is held in London. A year earlier, the Beijing Olympics, boxing was still the only Olympic sport prohibits women.
Side Regulation, male and female tournaments will be identical. In London, the fighters will fight in a boxing ring square ...

lundi 29 juillet 2013

Kick Boxing - General Background

Kick boxing is a relatively modern martial arts system, who syllabus derived by combining several fighting techniques from a variety of the more traditional disciplines, including Kung fu, Kyokushinkai Karate, Muay Thai, Kyokky shinkai and Tae kwon do.
Martial arts boomed during the early 1970s and interest was greatly increased by their emphasis on competition fighting. Chinese styles of fighting began to take a more westernised form in the UK, and even more so in the United States, where the first real freestyle systems were beginning to be created. Indeed, many people claim that Kick boxing originated in the US during the 1970s. This, they say, was due to various American Karate practitioners becoming frustrated with the limitations of tournament competitive scoring. While Karate and the other disciplines were viewed as being entrenched with theories and set kata, and were performed in a controlled environment, practitioners wanted to see how effective their moves would be in a more realistic environment. Great emphasis began to be placed on specialised techniques, such as kicks and punches, being delivered with full force. Although full contact Karate was already established, concerns were expressed for the safety of competitors.
There is a close affinity between Kick boxing and Muay Thai. While it is believed that the Americans had created this concept in their attempt to find a sport that could refine full contact competition, it is believed that the development of Kick boxing was borne out of the World Kick boxing Association finding common ground between Eastern and Western fighting cultures.
It is also believed that Joe Cawley, Don and Judy Quinn, along with Howard Hansen, a Shorin ryn Karate black belt, were the initial promoters of Kick boxing and worked together for improved recognition. Hansen took Kick boxing a stage further by introducing fights in a boxing ring rather than the usual Karate tournament bouts. He became known as a ring matchmaker, staging a variety of successful events with stars such as Bill "Superfoot" Wallis.
New rules evolved and were introduced into Kick boxing, most notably weight divisions - from fly weight to heavy weight - similar to those in traditional boxing. A down side to the discipline in those early days was criticism of a high risk injury. This led to improvement in the safety rules, such as contestants wearing protective clothing to cushion the impacts of the blows.

Kick Boxing Bag Workouts

Kick boxing bag workouts are a great way to grab a full body workout and have been really gaining popularity in the last couple of years.
Even if your only experience with kick boxing is playing video games or watching a Kung fu movie Kick boxing bag workouts are safe for the beginner and have an "Easy Learning Curve" for those just starting out.
As always before starting any new workout regime consult your doctor to make sure you are fit enough o participate.
Before any workout you should take the time to warm up properly. I personally prefer the stationary cycle or jumping rope to get my heart rate up and my body warm and loose, some people suggest stretching before a workout however recent research has proven that its probably best to stretch after you have completed a workout to prevent injuries.
Start slowly, practicing a variety of kicks concentrating on accuracy before power, which can be worked up as your form and technique improve. Practice on both a kickboxing bag and have a friend or training partner use focus mitts. Really try to kick through the kick boxing bag not snapping back with your legs after impact.
Focus on keeping your head up and concentrate on keeping your upper body not too far forward when working kickboxing drills, you want to always keep your body in such a way you can throw kicks after doing a punching combo.
Cross train to improve your lower body strength and balance which is essential for a great kick boxing bag workout. Jumping rope, cycling and jogging really help build up your leg power and improve your footwork which is crucial in kick boxing just as it is in regular boxing.
Expect your self-confidence to soar as you not only get into great shape but improve your kick and punching skills at the same time.
Avoid over exerting yourself which is easy to do in kick boxing bag workouts, stick to short rounds just as fighters do in professional matches, kick boxing bag workouts are a great cardiovascular workout but its easy to over do it, drinking plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated between drills.
As always with any martial arts training program keep these skills in the dojo or the gym and do not use them out on the street where you could seriously injure someone.

The Author grants full reprint rights to this article. You may reprint and electronically distribute this article as long as its contents remain unchanged and the Author's byline remains in place.

How to Survive Your First Kick Boxing Class

The most important part of all exercise of course is being prepared. The best way to prepare for your first class is to dress appropriately. You will certainly want to be in loose fitting clothing and comfortable footwear. Try and avoid the big bulky clothing such as hoodies because they will make you far too hot. Plus the pull strings for the hood will swing wildly and hit you in the face. I recommend a simple T-shirt and shorts that are not too short) or some simple sweat pants. Be sure the shorts of pants of choice have enough room to stretch as you raise your legs to the side or the front.
The other things you will want to consider are food and water. Be sure you have a water bottle with you so you can stay hydrated. While you won't really need food during class, the high level of muscle use in a kick boxing class can take some people by surprise who are used to more traditional cardio. So stay away form that steak and potato dinner right before class to avoid cramping. If you eat a couple of hours before class, keep the foods light and moderate in protein. Something like a granola bar or some fruit usually fits the bill. Other people have good energy and stamina with the classic PB&J sandwich.
Finally, remember to have fun. Leave your ego at the door and simply relax. Too many people will walk into their kick boxing class trying to be the next Chuck Norris. This usually brings about an excessive amount of power in your technique which often leads to injury (for yourself or your partner if you are working with someone) and fatigue. Remember that everyone knows you are new and no one expects you to be perfect or even to know what you are doing. So it's always okay to make mistakes and look like you are new to kicking and punching. Everyone in that class started out exactly where you are, so they understand. So go easy, have fun and keep the ego in check. You will have much more fun if you simply play around with the techniques rather than try and impress everyone and yourself.
Extra tips:
o Also be sure to arrive early to class to say hi to the instructor and introduce yourself. This will make you feel like less of a stranger and the instructor will feel more comfortable helping you when they know a little bit about you.
Be fit and live free,
Matt Schifferle
FREE E-course on how to workout less but lose more weight and gain more muscle.

Kick Boxing

Kickboxing is a mixture of various sports. It is termed a sporting martial art that is similar to boxing. However, in kickboxing, feet are used in addition to hand contact. While boxing is not a full contact sport, kickboxing certainly is.
Kickboxing is said to have originated in Japan and is a mixture of boxing, taekwondo and karate. There are three types of kickboxing -- Japanese style, American style and European style. Japanese kickboxing has various forms that are devised by various kick boxers and trainers.
In American kickboxing, opponents are allowed to hit each other with feet and fists. They have to strike above the hip. Opponents cannot use elbows and knees and the use of shins is mostly restricted. Fighters and promoters agree on the various rules and regulations before starting the match.
In Japanese kickboxing, five rounds of three minutes each are played. Opponents are allowed to attack with the elbow and the knees. They are also allowed to attack below the belt, everywhere except the crotch. However, they are not allowed to head-butt, push or throw.
The American kickboxing rounds are basically two to three minutes. A typical American kickboxing match has ten to twelve rounds. The fighters and the promoters mutually agree upon the duration and number of rounds. There is a one-minute rest period between the rounds.
European kickboxing has five rounds of three minutes each. In European kickboxing, opponents are not allowed to attack with the thighs or the knees. Opponents are allowed to kick below the body, everywhere except the crotch. Also, in European kickboxing, opponents are not allowed to head-butt or push.
Boxing [] provides detailed information on Boxing, Boxing News, Kick Boxing, HBO Boxing and more. Boxing is affiliated with Pro Wrestling [].

samedi 27 juillet 2013

Kick Boxing Bag Workouts

Kick boxing bag workouts are a great way to grab a full body workout and have been really gaining popularity in the last couple of years.
Even if your only experience with kick boxing is playing video games or watching a Kung fu movie Kick boxing bag workouts are safe for the beginner and have an "Easy Learning Curve" for those just starting out.
As always before starting any new workout regime consult your doctor to make sure you are fit enough o participate.
Before any workout you should take the time to warm up properly. I personally prefer the stationary cycle or jumping rope to get my heart rate up and my body warm and loose, some people suggest stretching before a workout however recent research has proven that its probably best to stretch after you have completed a workout to prevent injuries.
Start slowly, practicing a variety of kicks concentrating on accuracy before power, which can be worked up as your form and technique improve. Practice on both a kickboxing bag and have a friend or training partner use focus mitts. Really try to kick through the kick boxing bag not snapping back with your legs after impact.
Focus on keeping your head up and concentrate on keeping your upper body not too far forward when working kickboxing drills, you want to always keep your body in such a way you can throw kicks after doing a punching combo.
Cross train to improve your lower body strength and balance which is essential for a great kick boxing bag workout. Jumping rope, cycling and jogging really help build up your leg power and improve your footwork which is crucial in kick boxing just as it is in regular boxing.
Expect your self-confidence to soar as you not only get into great shape but improve your kick and punching skills at the same time.
Avoid over exerting yourself which is easy to do in kick boxing bag workouts, stick to short rounds just as fighters do in professional matches, kick boxing bag workouts are a great cardiovascular workout but its easy to over do it, drinking plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated between drills.
As always with any martial arts training program keep these skills in the dojo or the gym and do not use them out on the street where you could seriously injure someone.
Examples of kick boxing drills:
Al Dawson is a 25 year + keep fit fanatic and runs the company :
The Author grants full reprint rights to this article. You may reprint and electronically distribute this article as long as its contents remain unchanged and the Author's byline remains in place.

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Kick Boxing Equipment

Developing speed, power, strength, stamina, and most importantly kicking techniques involves constant discipline and training. Kick boxing, boxing, martial arts, including judo, have become so advanced in technical training techniques, that to engage competitively one must be at the peak of their mental and physical best. So what are we looking for to reach this peak of competitive endurance in training techniques. The most vital aspect of all martial arts training is self preservation. In other words having the knowledge and ability to defend oneself in confrontational situations. But how can we define what self defense is and what are we protecting. We are protecting what the Buddhist monks called, "The Circle of Life." This circle of life is defined as our life force aura. This aura encircles our whole body and all the space that it takes up. How we measure this space is very simple and this is where the correct kick boxing equipment becomes essential for martial arts training if one desires to become proficient at it.
The "Circle of life." How is it defined. Well we must go back to the first recorded use of this term. It was first known over a thousand years ago when the Buddhist monks designed the art of "Karate." This term "karate" means " Empty Hands." This became known as martial arts. The reason why the monks designed this art of self defense was because of attacks in the tibetan mountains. These attacks came from bandits stealing the monks meagre possessions as they travelled on pilgrimages to other Buddhist temples. The human circle of life is defined simply. If one stretches out your arms as high above your head as they will go, then arc them around to the front of your body stretching again as far as they will stretch. Then repeat the same again bringing your arms behind your back again as far as you can stretch then resting them down by your side. Then bring your legs out in front of you raising them as high and as far as they will stretch turning around full circle. Whatever distance and space your arm and leg movements covered then this is your, "Circle of Life. If anything or anyone enters that circle uninvited then they must be considered a threat, and your circle must be defended.
Kick boxing equipment is just as old as martial arts because it was designed to train the monks how to become proficient and masterful in the art of fighting. "They used straw packed around wooden stakes which were planted in the ground." They would train for hours perfecting, punches, kicks, kneeing, open hand striking, head butting, in fact any part of the body which could give them an advantage in their self preservation struggle. The basic principles of training has remained the same, but the equipment has become immensely technologically advanced. Here are some features you should look out for if you are thinking of purchasing some kick boxing equipment.
The outer Skin must be made from extreme durability high-strength plastisol.
The Inner cavity should be filled with durable urethane foam with extra strong absorption ability.
They should be adaptable to suit the different sizes for individual users.
The base naturally should be stable very firm and of course included in the product package.
There is more very valuable information to read, just click on below to find out all you need to know about model sparring partners.
To learn more very valuable information please click on below.
The heavy workout bag is without doubt the most effective boxing training equipment you can buy on the market. It is designed to take the most rigourous type of kicking, punching, elbowing, kneeing, in fact any type of physical attack that one might use in self defense and personal training. Great speed Training It has become one of the most favoured means of training for all martial arts systems including, Kick boxing, boxing, and karate as well as judo, and is a must for all types of gyms and personal trainers at home.

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